's webmaster, Rick Dobson, has been active with SQL Server for almost as long as he has worked with Microsoft Access, but his attention to SQL Server grew substantially starting with SQL Server 7. The SQL Server resources at this site draw heavily on Rick's SQL Server experience. The links below point to resources that address SQL Server from the perspective of an Access developer, a T-SQL developer, and a VB.NET developer. Rick is the author of three books and one DVD with SQL Server in the title. His third book on SQL Server addresses SQL Server Express, Visual Basic Express, and Visual Web Developer Express as well as the interaction between the three. His articles appeared in such publications as SQL Server Magazine, SQL Server Professional, and SQL Server Solutions. Some of the content below includes excerpts from or links to his published content, but other material below extends previously published content. Rick's practice promotes an annual seminar presentation series that trains attendees in multiple Microsoft technologies relating to database development and VB programming, including VBA and VBScript through to VB.NET. SQL Server has been a major topic in the last five annual seminar presentation series. Please sign our Guest Book for early notification of future seminars. We plan to grow this section during the coming year.